Tuesday, August 08, 2006

It's crap here ;-)

My mate Kiyoka is back in town now but with Crankworx last week and college I haven't had a chance to see her until Friday. Here she is with the Burrard Bridge in the background (and yes, it is a lot bigger in real life!)

After wandering around for a bit I felt the need for a muffin.... unfortunately everywhere was sold out.....luckily we stumbled across "True Confections", a desert restaurant mmmmm pie!
I had Strawberry and Rhubarb mmmmm Rhubarb........

Saturday started late with a ride on Fromme with John and 'is bird then I rushed home to get ready for the fireworks...... Vancouver has the biggest offshore firework display in the world
and a load of us were going to watch. The fireworks go from a couple of huge barges in English Bay so THOUSANDS of people can watch from the beaches on either side. We got there at 6pm and just about squeezed a spot right in front of the barges, there were THOUSANDS of people

click here to see the crowd

the show wasnt until 10 so we had to wait a while. Fortunately we were entertained by the sunset (on sunset beach)

(click the pic for a better view)



Leanne and Aachal

It was a great display and a great night, I'd deffinately like to go again

Sunday dawned a little earlier with John, Michelle and I going to Squamish for a cross-country ride - there's some beautiful scenery there

John and Michelle

Once we got back to Van, I picked up Kiyo and we went for a curry (mmmmm curry) and then Michelle told us we HAD to go to The International Ice Cream Factory - 218 flavours!

The crazy thing was that it was in an industrial area, miles from the city and there were HUNDREDS of people there - at 11pm!

Good icecream though - I had one, Stawberry and Rhubard and one dragon fruit mmmmm

to round off the weekend, John, Michelle, Rich, Trung and I headed up to Whistler for a day of play. Bear count was up to four today - I even saw one before we left Vancouver - I think it was waiting to pull out onto the highway!?

Whistler was amazing as ever(y week) but Trung went down hard and need a ride down in the medic's truck - he's ok - just a bit bruised and battered

Michelle rocked! She was on fire today - nice one!

And here I am almost 3am hanging onto the threads of the weekend!!
Time for bed

Happy Birthday Me