Sunday, January 15, 2006

It's stopped raining! (almost!)

Sunday. On the 29th consecutive rainy day in Vancouver it was actually almost dry. The first time I've seen dry roads on the North Shore since I got here! To celebrate the barmy weather (we almost saw the sun y'know) we went down to Deep Cove.

It's very pretty here (when I'm not spoiling the view that is!)

Lookout! Shark!

Deep Cove is at the bottom of Mount Seymour. After walking all around the cove we drove up to the ski-hill on the top of Seymour - It looks surprisingly good. More runs than I imagined. Expect ski trip number 3 to be on one of the local mountains very soon.......

oh and if anyone really wants to see ALL the photos you can here

1 comment:

Delbert said...

That nice young lady appears in a lot of your pictures Skip.
It's nice you have made friends over there.
Have fun.