Thursday, January 05, 2006

Keep on truckin'

After waking at 3am for two nights running in order to transfer the money "during working hours" its arrived without a hitch in my Canadian account sooooooooo......

 was time to pick up the truck. In the process I found out lots of interesting things about Canadian motoring......
- Insurance is all centrally administered by the govenment
- Its done at any agent around town
- The agent transfers the registration at the same time
- And they give you new license plates
- There's no road tax but instead an annual insurance sticker on the license plate

ain't she a beauty? (note the picturesque setting of Vancouver Lookout, 3000ft up Mt Seymour overlooking the city) at times I could actually see the road through the rain and fog!!

Obviously I went for a bit of a drive. Unfortunately I don't really have a clue where I'm going so ended up going over the Lions Gate Bridge straight into downtown Vancouver in the rush hour! Oops. Perhaps not the best place to get used to a big truck, automatic gearbox and completely alien traffic laws - oh, and did I mention they drive on the wrong side of the road too!!!

It is cool to drive - very quiet, cruising along you can hardly hear anything - just a faint hum from the big tyres.

While I was out I stopped in at the Cove Bike Shop - no-one famous in there today. And then headed off to spend the Canadian Dollars that various people gave me for Christmas. I bought one of these....

That's my ipod stuck in the front - stick it in, turn on and stand by to be impressed by the sound. There was a more expensive Bose one but it didn't sound as good. This one is brilliant so thanks to everyone who gave me dollars.

Orientation tomorrow - gotta leave stupid early so I have time to get lost a bit on the way!

1 comment:

Delbert said...

What a super truck you have Skip