Saturday, February 11, 2006

A(nother) day in the mountains

It wasnt raining again today (that's almost a week now folkes!) In fact this was the sky this morning.

I picked up Andy (from school) at the Quay at 9am along with Dennis from Gemany and we headed up to Cypress. This is Mount Strachan, which is one of the two mountains that make up the ski area.

This is the view from the top of Mount Strachan, looking in the same direction as the pic above. As you can see, we're not that far from the city - although 5000ft above it!

We had a fantastic days skiing - well I was skiing the other three were snowboarding - yes three. Did I forget to mention Earl? He's Andy's usual (Canadian) snowboard buddy who met us there and kind of became our unofficial guide for the day.

Earl was a great guide cos he took us down almost every run on both mountains - even the "double black" ones - despite the fact that Andy wouldn't try to turn on the steep stuff! And beleive me, there was some pretty steep, steep stuff! This is the run off the (almost) top - one of my favourites.

And this is the view when you come out of the trees on "Slash" - another favourite!

I almost hit a HUGE stump on slash so I thought it was a good time to stop and do the tourist thing - take a photo!

But all too soon, the day came to an end - well, we were all pretty tired after 5 hours on the mountain. I managed to drag Andy and Ethan up for another run from the top while Dennis went for a beer. Here's Earl (looking pensive so he said) and moi. The really observant among you (yes, I'm talking to you SARA!) will notice I'm wearing a really old bike jacket but it was perfect for skiing today. (Apologies for boring the pants of everyone there for a second)

So we joined Dennis for a beer and headed off. It was just getting dark so the view of the city was pretty cool. You can just make out the white peak of Mount Baker in the USA just above the horizon on the left of the pic

So thats it for another ski day in BC - my 5th so far and even if I do say so myself my skiing is getting much better. I've been trying to ski the bumps but when you point down the hill they come sooooooo fast but I'm getting there, slowly. I think I need to go shopping though - for a helmet - I'd never thought about it before as you dont really ski in the trees in Europe but here in BC its pretty normal. Maybe I'll have a look before the next ski day.

Oh and for anyone (in England or Menorca) that isn't sure, BC stands for British Columbia
Later dudes....


Anonymous said...

Sounds you had a good time.^__^

Delbert said...

Looks fantastic Skip.
As Ma says. Rain for us here.
Mud is good for your complexion though eh?

Delbert said...

Looks fab Skip

Anonymous said...

Looks fantastic Skip. ^0^

Anonymous said...

yeah, looks a bit like a groundhog! D'oh!!

Delbert said...

Yeah..looks a bit like a groundhog! Doh!

Anonymous said...

Yeah..looks a bit like a roundhog! Doh! What the hell is "Groundhog" anyway!!