Monday, June 12, 2006

Johnny got me a helicopter for my birthday!

Ok, so it wasn't for me, it was for Dub.....and well it was just a ride in a helicopter. I was hoping to blag a ride if Wade didnt show but as luck would have it someone else dropped out after an injury in yesterdays Ripper so we both went. Its the first time I've seen him this year so was looking forward to following him down some crazy trails

Here's the bikes waiting for a skyhook

There were 16 of us all told, so thats 5 shuttles (one just for bikes). The four of us drivers had to drop the vehicles elsewhere and get picked up from a 'stealth' spot a few miles down the road.

And I do mean "spot" - it was only just big enough for the heli to land and the rotors did a nice trim job on the bushes above our heads!

I dont think the fishermen (just out of view 10ft below on the beach) beleived us when we said we were waiting for a helicopter....

Ha! Proof: a big noisey wurly thing!

Barb taking Harley for a bit of extreme dog walking

I really didnt expect the elevator music on the way up - "Pump up the Jam" - Barb was singing it all day after that

Nice view eh?

I was pleasantly surprised by the ride up. Aside form the noise, it was almost exactly like flying in a glider (airplane with no engine for the ESL students reading this). It just sort of floated its way up with not much sensation of forward flight (aside from the ground going past of course)

CLICK HERE for the top-o-the-world shot

Bye bye Mr Wurley driver

I guess we're on our own then - 6 hours from help.

The descent down the snow was hysterical. The technique was to lean forward (to get the steering to work), lock the back wheel and hope for the best! I only came off once - I was heading at high speed for some trees so threw myself into the snow - of course that didnt stop me sliding into the trees (!) but I grabbed a branch and stopped myself before any damage was done

Wade filming Kenny surf his was through the rocks

Bikes dont work too well in a few feet of snow!

We came out of the forest a dozen or more times at a spot like this - always beautiful views

The man himself. Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr Johhny Smoke

I didnt get many shots of the riding cos I was too busy, err, riding! But here's Kelly (Mrs Dub to-be) on a fairly easy bit. Some of the riding was c r a z y with the steepness, loose ground, rocks and of course the moss covered wet roots.....but lots of fuuuuuuuuuuuuun!

Ah, the Birthday Boy! Happy Birthday Dub, 30 today - so young!

....and yes, we have to go UP that. Oh didnt I mention? As well as 7,500ft of downhill, we also had 2,500ft of uphill to do.... c r a z y !!

Can you spot Dub dropping into the massive rock?

He's right in the middle, next to the overhanging tree

Here's another plaything - Awsome Rock - optional and with two lines, of course I couldnt resist the over-vert line - this is the view rolling in...

Here's Kenny dropping in, at this point you can just see the bottom!

Quite near the end I followed Dub and Wade out onto another rock view point, but this one was slightly scary - looking back here, you can see the ridge we're riding along, you couldnt see the bottom on the right cos the tree TOPS were blocking the view!

and if you go too far (ie 5ft further than Dub here), you'll fall 1500ft to what I can only assume would be a harsh landing!

But all too soon it was over - well 6 hours later actually and as is traditional we finished at the beech

for a few non-alcolholic beverages (officer)

I cant blame Harley for sleeping - at 12 years old, she didnt just descend the 7,500ft and climb the 2,500ft that we did - she did a damn sight more running backwards and forwards making sure all her sheep were in line!

Gnarly dog!

I have to take this opportunity to thank Johnny for yet again taking me on one of the best rides of my life. I owe you one Smoke!

If you want an adventure, give Johhny a call at Bush Pilot Biking

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