Saturday, June 10, 2006

North Shore Ripper - CBC

No pics yet, so these are from last year (thanks to NSMB)

Today was a good day. I competed in the downhill race on CBC, one of The Shore's best trails with an excuse to 'rip' all the way down. The format has riders leaving the top at 1min intervals against the clock BUT because the trail has optional stunts (jumps, log rides etc) each carries a time bonus. The run is anything from 6-15 mins. Here's Mr Wade Simmons on his way to the win last year

Most people wear full armour for this as it's rated as a black trail and many of the stunts are double-black. But some wear fact it's postively encouraged. This year I saw a pimp, a hula girl (and yes it was a girl) a business man (in a suit and tie), spiderman and the devil who was closely followed by the fancy dress winner, Jesus!

And how did my run go? Well pretty well, I was fairly fast 8:23 getting down in 34th place out of something like 70 riders. Unfortunately for me, the one big stunt I went round was worth 1min so I dropped to 41st on corrected time. Not bad for a non-local! Johhny Smoke was first down the course....on a hardtail......with no chain! He got down in about 10:30 I think.

Oh, and at the prize 'ceremony' tonight, I got a prize for most stylish air over the double jumps - coolio!!

Well, I'd better sort my gear out. If all goes well, I'm going to Squamish tomorrow to do one shuttle up to the top......

in a HELICOPTER! lol I can't wait! :-)

click here for the NSMB report from this year's event

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