Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The thief and The Chief....

Some low-life bottom feeder broke into my car a few weeks back and stole what little was there. Unfortunately, I'd left my camera in the glove box after taking out of my riding pack that day -

Goodby camera.
Goodbye Oakleys.
Goodbye maglite.
Goodbye Ikea pencil? - personally I think it was stolen to order ;-)

Anyway, it's loss kinda of put a dampner on things and what with being rreeeeeaally busy I just havent gotten around to blogging. Well, as the Pointer Sisters would say, I'm back! So here's the first of a few quick blogs to catch up with myself, you, me....whatever!

A couple days after Ma and Tim went home and before I went back to school, Michelle (Mrs Jon) and I nipped down to Squamish so I could finally hike up The Chief. I've talked about it here before so I won't bore you with it again, suffice to say it's a bloodly big lump o' rock, 1000ft high. Random pics:

somewhere up there

friendly locals at the top

Michelle (Whistler in the distance)

Howe Sound - thats a long thin inlet that looks more like a lake - the far side is The Sunshine Coast - still mainland

apparently someone broke the world speed record for a windsurfer here as the wind rips nicely between the mountains

On the way back down.

Thanks Michelle, it was cool.....the bloody bigness of the rock that is - the weather was pretty hot!!


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