Tuesday, November 14, 2006


It's well and truly scrumptious, err I mean fall - well you know, Autumn so the leaves are mostly on the plane, err, I mean on the ground.

Its been three whole weeks since I've done a day ride (thanks in part to the rain - and in part to my indifference with rain) so I was really happy to brave the weather and join Jon and Michelle for a quick lap of Fromme. It was raining a little but nothin too serious.....

...until it started snowing.....

by the time we got to the top there was about 8 inches or so settled on the fire road

cool bike rack eh? get it? Cool? Bike Rack hahahahah. This is the first decent pic of my new bike. Aint she lovely :-)

Jon taking a photo of me taking a photo of Jon taking a photo of me taking a photo of Jon taking a photo of me taking a photo of Jon taking a photo of me......well, you get the point!

.....and Michelle trying to get out of the picture!

nothin too serious today, just a black diamond run ;-)

the trees do a good job of sheltering the trail so there was about half as much snow under cover, but still enough to make it lots of fun :-)

it kept snowing for aaaaages
(the blotches on the photo are the reflections off the snow)

although it was kinda dark in the trees

this is about the last we saw of the snow falling and as you can see it hadnt settled although this was a long way down. Beyond this point it was just raining

and as a special treat for those of you still trying to ride a bike through the English mud - this is what a really yukky, wet ride does to your bike here - notice the wheels that still go round, the gears that still work and the essential use of 2.5inch downhill tyres

Did I mention I like it here?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

blazing sun shine here, won't find any of the drizzly wet shit over my bike ;-)