Sunday, December 17, 2006

Weather, Weather and more weather, and oh yes.......Whistler

We've had a lot of weather here lately.

Round One - Rain: Following the amazing summer which lasted into October, we had the wettest November on record. Now you'd think in a city with such a reputation for rain that they'd cope amazingly well with it. Hmm. You'd be wrong. The reservoirs were so full of run-off from the mountains it contaminated the water supply with silt so we had a ban on drinking the water for three weeks. This was accompanied by power outages all over the place which in turn meant the roads were a nightmare - no traffic lights y'see and they do like their traffic lights here!

Round two - Snow: Once all that was almost done with, the weather turned cold and we got a dump of snow, which made most roads impassable on normal tires and saw even more power cuts and what traffic there was pretty much stood still. I think there was about 18in over a weekend. And living as I do on a big hill, I resorted to bussing it to college for the first couple days. That was about three weeks ago and there's still snow lingering.

Round Three - Storms: The latest round was a bit more aggressive with storms off and on for a couple weeks - in a kind of mini-review of the past six weeks, one day I was awoken by heavy rain, the next hail and the next peeked out the curtains to see more snow! Unfortnately though, with the ground so wet combined with high winds, there were a lot of trees down. In fact the highway through Stanley Park (from the Lions Gate Bridge) to downtown had something like 25 trees across the road, cutting off the city from the West Van.

BUT..... the storms did also bring snow. You couldnt ski much on the local mountains because of power cuts but the storms subsided in Whistler on Friday so a bunch of us were up at 5am saturday to get some freshies! :-D

It was still pretty cold -10 to -15 but I had my woolie socks on...

Of course, I was out with the locals (I include Jon in that as he's lived here two years and did do a couple seasons in Alps) so it was off the lift and into the trees!

Now I can ski alright but in 2ft of pow I find it very hard to pick my line - pretty important when you're threading through the trees!

...and its pretty steep (this bit was out of the trees but the photo does show the gradient pretty well)

thats Jon by the way

And again

and again.....he was the sympathetic one who'd wait for me as I stumbled my way down the powder

by the end of the day the wind was picking up a bit and to me delight other people were getting tired (I was knackered hours ago!) so we headed down....

....with just a quick stop for coffee (or hot cider in my case) on the way down.

Another brilliant day at Whistler.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Whistler day2 :-]

Yesterday was a last minute thing. Today was the actual trip we planned. Just for a change we went to Whistler ;-)

It was Jon and Michele's (left) first day on snow this year but rumour had it they were pretty good - especially that Guimond bird!

...and the rumours were true!

There were four of us including Rich but I didnt get a photo of him cos he was always too fast and I was always at the back (again!). Wasnt so bad as last week though cos the snow was no more that 18inches deep :-D

As the young whipper-snapper of the group (not to mention being the gnarly boarder gurl), it fell to Michele to rip up the park while us old boys tried not to get too much air under the wood

more breath-taking views (yawn)

Rich was our leader today and he did a great job of taking us all over the mountain. It wasnt without it's moments though - like the mandatory drop in - its funny how you appreciate the versatility of a bike when you're stuck on the edge of a cornice (snow ledge) above a veery steeep run with only one choice - jump!

...and then there was this run which had the choice according to Rich of "going down this [the hard] way which is pretty steep or we could just go around this [the easy] way"....

we went the easy way but notice how steep it looks just after the orange sign.....


....can you imagine how steep the hard way was - I'm not sure I want to find out!

that was our last run....a good thing too as I think my adrenalin was running low! But the best was yet to come.

After laughing at these guys - Whistler's answer to sandwich boards - we went back to Rich's mate's parents' condo and jumped in the hot tub for a while -- oh sooooo good!

Thanks to Rich for the guiding, Adrian's parents for use of the condo, and Jon for driving.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Oh it's such a hard life.....

Whistler opened last week so it didnt take us long to line up a quick visit. I was supposed to be writing an essay but SOMEONE talked me into nipping up the road..... oh well if you insist!

Here's Kiyoka in the fantastic snow on Blackcomb

This is Kiyoka and I at the top of Blackcomb showing off our new jackets :-) and Kiyoka, her new skis!

It was a beautiful day. Clear, cold and with lovely soft snow everywhere. Hardly any fresh pow but the whole mountain was covered in the lovely snow so it didnt matter

Here's Kiyoka in action - she skis so fast, you wouldnt believe it - I tried taking a picture of her while we were both skiing and she dropped me - I had to put the camera away and haul down the fall line to catch her! Crazy girl.

but all too soon the day was over and it was time to go :-( here's me with John (Kiyoka's high school friend) before our last run

....photographic proof I couldnt catch the crazy Jap!!

Can't wait 'til I can go back.......