Friday, January 26, 2007

You gotta have Sol

Conspicuous by their absence from my previous blog (Christmas in Blighty) and with a nudge from a little birdie, here are, ladies and gentlemen the Sols:

Del taught me everything I know about err, well, let me see.....err, Ah yes! Surfing the interweb at work!!!!!!!!

Both he and his lovely wife Gill have always ripped it up on a bike - in fact I remember one of the first rides we did with them - must have been 7 or 8 years ago at least - we were teaching them how to plug through the local mud when Gill decided to take a quick rest - in a ditch full of icy water! Brrrrrrrrrrrrr! She seemed so much more alert after that!!

and not content with getting themselves hooked on dirt riding, they infected their youngest too - Alix is one of the hottest female riders around - and she aint bad lookin either!

(Chicksands photos by James Michaels, others from Delbert's site thanks to Happy Jon for finding the Alix pic)

So in summary, all I have to say is....

When do I get a mention on your blog(s) Delbert!!

1 comment:

Delbert said...

All is now set straight in the blog sharing.
You are this weeks star Carnival member.