Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ok, so a camera-phone isnt the ideal tool....

... for taking pictures of the moon from 239 thousand miles away but when I went running it was all I had!

I'd just run down the beach in the last dribble of sunset and turned the corner to Vanier Park when I saw the moon - big, orange and hovering between the buildings across the water downtown (you may have to click the pic to spot the bright shiny thing in the middle of the pic - that's the moooooooooon!)

it was a great night for a run - quite cool but dry. I havent been in a wee while so wasnt expecting my legs to hold out too long but to my surprise they felt fine. So fine that in no time I'd made it to the island - ok, so its not far but my poor old knees dont usually let me go half this distance on the first run back - so I'm chuffed (do Canadians know what "chuffed" means?)

so on the way back it'd got a bit darker and the moon had risen a bit - here you can see a blurry bright bit above a blurry Burrard Bridge with a fountain thingy (atop a mock Mayan pyramid) in the foreground

and a bright blurry thing making a bright blurry reflection in the water - with a blurry, bearly recognizable Burrard Bridge on the right

and finally a blurry bright thing (it was getting brighter as it rose and therefore more blurry) over downtown with blurry reflection next to genuine sailing boat things.

Maybe I should go back tomorrow with the camera!

It was a good run though - I actually made the upgrade to running (from jogging) and only came in after 52 minutes cos I wanted to see the Bionic Woman (or at least the TV show - not the real thing (although its filmed here so maybe... ;-) lol ))

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