Thursday, November 22, 2007

New Wheels! part 2

Got my new bike too the other day. I sold my old Cove Shocker for a good price so was able to get this on the NSRIDE ride leader deal for only a few dollars more - sweet!

Fresh from our freshies at Whister, we (Rich has an new bike identical to mine) took them out the next day - Skiing and biking in some of the best places in the world - in one weekend! Ah, Vancouver ;-)

It rides sooooo well. I was really impressed. Norco has a bit of a crummy image here as the "Raleigh" of Canada so a lot of people turn their noses up but flipin' 'ell it really goes well and just feels so good to jump and flick around on the trail. I like it!

Obviously a first run on a new bike should be steady and run everything in, and check everything is working. The park, the tow-path, something we did a high-speed five man train down CBC etc (world famous gnarly trail for those that dont know). It was most enjoyable.

We even did our second run down into Neds Atomik Dustbin - a very rough trail that I've always hated - but not anymore - it was actually transformed into a fun-fest by my amazing new bike :-D to say I'm happy with it is like saying Elvis liked to dress up! Its gooood!

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