Monday, December 10, 2007

Cypress pt2: The Big I

T'was a cold cold day on the North Shore. The wind was(nt) howling and the rain was(nt) coming in sideways - well it was cold.

Fresh from my Business Diploma earlier this year I was happy to apply the 80-20 rule to today's ride - I knew 80% of people, I rode 80% of the way up, Jon moaned 80% of the time - well actually is was probably only 20% but it seemed like 80!! (just kidding Big J) and 80% of the track was clear of snow! :-)

I had been wanting to ride this trail for a while - a couple of years in fact as I'd heard it was fun. Even though 20% was covered in snow it was certainly fun, the remaining 80% was 80% pumpy swoopy trail and only 20% icy rooty death.

80% of the big trees were logged over a hundred years ago - the other 20% were discarded and 80% fell down but 20% still remain as stumps and 20% of those as gigantic 100ft high stumps like this one

The air is 80% cleaner up here which means 20% of the mushrooms on the trees grow 8 million per cent bigger! These were over 2 feet across - 80% of our group didnt notice.

another of the super-stumps with Dave (I can ride anything AND on a hardtail) Kishi for scale

Nicole's British other half - Alan the Brummy. An interesting anecdote: he moved to Canada the same day I did - although I beat him by 6 hours.

He's just ridden a challenging little section involving a steep rock roll in (naturally today it was not only moss covered by icy too) to some evil rooty steps - Nicole nailed it second time - the first attempt saw he catapulted over the bars and over a nearby log!

See look, even crazy Derek Timmermmermmermmerman is fully compressing his bike

Speaking of crazy - you remember the video of Rich riding the snowy log the other day - well seeing as this one was only icy and not snowy, Rich seemed to think it was fair game. Fair game, nicely done Mr Jarman.

Ken contemplating his line

Mr T again

Big I was fun - I'm looking forward to riding it without the ice! Thanks guys.

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