Monday, December 03, 2007

I always did like climbing trees.....

Jon, the fair-weather gimp light-weight that he is has recently taken up indoor climbing. Its something I've always wanted to try so he took me along the other night for a test drive. We went to this place hidden round the back of the industrial area - it wasnt very big side to side or front to back but it seemed to go up a long way! 40ft to be more precise. After getting over my my initial reaction of "bugger that, I'm not going up there!" I gave it a go and before I knew it I was dangling from overhangs 40ft in the air!
It was fun, I might just make it a regular thing on these rainy nights. Thanks mate. :-)

Oh, and for Ade who never reads this - I did a 5.7 then a 5.6 then a 5.8 then sat on the floor waiting for the feeling to come back to my forearms!!

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