Saturday, March 22, 2008


Its getting pretty late season but there's still a ton of snow being dumped on Whistler every week - it'd be rude not to go wouldnt it? (oh and forgive the poor picture quality from my phone)

Rich, Meg, Pierre and I went for a Spring Sesh on Blackcomb - given the company I knew it'd be a good day - one of those where the only places we go seem to have warning signs at the top!

...just like this one - "experts only" the guide book says this is possibly the steepest skiable slope on the continent - worthy of a sign then I guess.

Naturally, we didnt go straight down but skirted across the top of the cliffs to Hawaii-5-O (its a name - they all have silly names, you get used to it)

Here's Meg contemplating her first turn - it was kinda narrow and steep so mess this one up and you go all the way down on the head-toboggan express! Of course being Mega, Meg nailed it beautifully

So then Rich found this bit that was even steeper - in fact it was getting a little ridiculous. For once the photo does the pitch justice - we were quite literally on the edge of a cliff. Fun though! You should have seen Rich's first turn - normally our fearless and highly capable Blue Leader he had a moment here and took about 50ft of vertical to make his first turn - sketchy or what!!

....and Mega Meg again

After all the excitement we decided to sample the Glacier. Normally quite a mellow run (aside from the super steep (and short) blowhole), we traversed to the far side and saw a hike up. The photo is at the beginning of the hike.

25 mins later we found ourselves far from the madding crowd and ready to drop into the unknown. You may have noticed I dont have any photos of Pierre - its not because I have anything against the guy - its just he decided not to risk life and limb on the steep crazy stuff and then went up a slightly different hike to us. So. Here's Rich and Meg ready to drop in. We lucked out too - after some lightly tracked snow we found a HUGE piece of untracked virgin snow - I was last down and I had a choice of 50ft in either direction before crossing any tracks - sweeeeeet!

Ah, Whistler.

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