Saturday, April 19, 2008

California Dreamin - part II - Practice makes perfect!

We're here!

Why is it called the Sea Otter I hear you ask - well it's because the local delicacy is Sea Otter Steak!

Nooooooooo! Only Joking. I think it actually has somethin to do with the prolifieration of Sea Otters living nearby :-D Whatever the reason they make you carry/wear one of these lovely bracelets to get into the event

Monterey is nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the gently rolling hills of mid-California, just south of San Francisco. I was surprised to find I get hayfever in California - at this time of year its really green and lush - including the pesky grass!

The event itself is based at the Leguna-Seca raceway - more familiar with motor racing than cyclists it pretty good with the track used for road races, the paddock used for the err, race paddock and the surounding hills for the many different mountain bike events. The pic is from the top of the dual course.

You can't really see it here but despite the blister ing sunshine there was a strong wind at times that caused all sorts of issues.

Obviously keen (having driven over a thousand kms) we rolled into the race village nice and early to get registered and figure out where things were.

First up we went to check out the downhill track - infamous for being a bit boring I was quite pleased that it wasnt too frightening - the only scary bit was the speed you hit some sections.

These two pics are of the first straight - a tricky section of jumps that even the top pro's were struggling with

After the challenge of the jumps there were a couple banked corners and some smaller jumps followed by "The Rock Garden" - lol. When I was told there was a rock garden I'd expected a section of track covered in gnarly rocky that you'd have to find your way through or over. I was wrong - it was more akin to Old Mrs Baxter's rock garden that she plants with daisies and wild flowers! The line "through" the rock garden basically was jumping over the entire thing without touching it!

A quick pedally bit led into a double banked corner (here's Danice on the 2nd one - notice the Master's World Champion following her - he's her coach!) then straight into the "loggy droppy thing" as I liked to call it - just a bunch of logs forming 2 or 3 big steps but again - step on the gas and jump the lot was the preferred line (although in the strong wind I almost messed myself doing it later on)

Land from the drop at 100mph then pedal like crazy down the hill up to about 1000mph then hold on for dear life! - Actually it wasn't that bad but it was very VERY fast

This is the fast straight with the track coming in from the right - I'd guess about 50mph down here over the bumpy ruts

Through the steep bit and onto the bottom (pedally) section

A funny hip jump - meaning its not straight so you have to take off pointing one way and land pointing another

some boring bits then a big step-down jump (meaning the landing is lower than the take off) I didnt manage to clear it and kept smashing the back wheel into the wrong side of the landing - eventually managed it in my race run though :)

Here's Britain's best rider Steve Peat on the step down

....and Fiona - the OTHER Pink Bike girl

The track was very pedally but also very fun. A shame really that there were so many people I only got 4 full runs in 3 days of practice! Crazy!

Here's Danice, Fiona and Ross walking the final bit to the top of the DH track.

Bikes actually grow on trees down here!

After DH practice we switched bikes and headed to the Dual track. The dual consists of two near identical tracks side by side down which 2 people race. Because the tracks can never be perfectly even the winner is based on 1 run of each track with the times added together. The Sea Otter Dual is easily the most famous in bike history - it was a regular event before anyone knew what a "dual" was. I was VERY excited to be here - let alone RACING! This is the view from the bottom of the 40sec course looking up

Some of the corners are flat on the grass (and so very tricky) others are beautifully sculpted berms like this one - that's me in the berm :)

The start gate - not very scientific or advanced but the same for everyone. Dual practice was a little odd at first but once we got the hang of the track it was so much fun - I really didn't want to stop!

But alas practice came to an end and I was feeling the effects of a super hot day with cooling breeze - ie major sunburn! For the rest of the weekend I could be seen glowing bright red - when I ventured into daylight that is!! Damn my stupid allergy (to most suncream)

With play over it was time to shower up (and aloe-vera up for some of us). With millions of people in town for the Otter we ended up on the ocean front Bubba Gump Shrimp restaurant with 50 other bikers! I did try a shrimp but it only confirmed Croc Dundee's immortal words: "You can eat it - but it tastes like s**t"

I think I managed to skip a day somewhere but whatever right!? Tomorrow is downhill race day for us mere mortals while the pro's duel on the dual

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