Monday, April 21, 2008

California Dreamin - part IV Santa Cruz

Looks like California Highway Patrol had a budget cut since Poncherello's days. I dont care what anyone says, writing "Interceptor" on the back is NOT going to give it Mad Max street cred!

So to continue with the chrono-illogical order, here we are in sunny Monterey killing some time before meeting up with some friends in Santa Cruz. As we drove along the sea (ocean) front I amused myself by seeing how many time I could get a squeal out of Jenn for yelling "look a Sea Otter"

Of course the plan back fired when I actually saw some and no-one would believe me.

After being very sincere I finally
convinced them I'd seen some so we pulled over for a closer look.

Unfortunately I dont have a fancy camera with a massive lens to take wildlife photography BUT Jenn did take this snap with the spec clearly visible which you've have to take my word for being actual sea otters. (also notice the authentic sunburn kit ie the hoody)

I think there were about 5 or 6 - we also saw a couple of seals sunbathing on the rocks but they were even harder to spot in the photos.

Instead, here are some pretty flowers :)

As you can see, we were in a real hurry to leave this spot. It was pretty sweet - sunshine, fresh air, fluffy animals and just the sound of the ocean

but soon we had to go. Santa Cruz beckonned. Apologies for the poor photography once again - the thing is, if you're daydreaming at the Californian scenery the road signs come up pretty fast - too fast for the startup on my camera anyhow.

We met up with the Pink Bike crew, Wade and Andreas at Denny's for breakfast before following Wade and Andreas to Santa Cruz for some epic riding

When we got there we picked up a load more people to bring our number to 14 - quite a posse!

That did give us one issue - logistics - shuttle math can be a headache and today was no different but we eventually squeezed all the bikes and bodies into 2 trucks

There were eight of us in Radek's truck - 4 in the back, 4 in the front which meant I shared shotgun with the two lovely nurses on my lap - what can I tell you? it was rough ;-)

Many many bikes

After the hour shuttle (during which we saw Cam McCaul's pool ramp as we drove past his house) we saddled up for the descent. A couple miles of loose, sharp shaley rock with big corners and water gulleys made for an interesting start - we only lost a couple people over the edge - not back with 14 people

What we didnt realize was the amount of climbing we had to do. It was supposed to be "a bit of a climb in the middle" but "the singletrack is totally worth it" - well at least they got one bit right - unfortunately they were wrong about the climb - I reckon it was 1.5-2 hours in the searing heat, on our big bikes. Ah well, you gotta suffer for your art right?

Now I'll take this opportunity to name drop. On our little low-key ride we had: Wade Simmons, Andreas Hestler, Matthew Hunter, Mike Kinrade and some other guy who's name escapes me but he was featured in Kranked VII. So superstars. They fitted right in ;)

A little more of that evil climbing and we were ready for our main meal. A ridiculously long swooping singletrack that was most certainly one of the best trails I've ever ridden.

It swooped its way along the sides of a creek valley through the forest gradually downhill. There were tight sections, steep sections, flowing sections and even slight uphills but it was without doubt the longest slice of heavenly singletrack I have ever ridden. Frickin Awsome.

As you can see, Matt and Wade may have the 75ft jumps licked but they cant hold a candle to the girls on the singletrack ;)


Danice and Rich looking pretty small

Of course, this being a Pink Bike trip Radek and Tyler had to make sure their riders got in some training - so Radek made Danice tow him the last couple miles! He said something about a broken chain but I just think he likes to make girls cry!

The odd thing was Danice actually seemed to enjoy it!

Back to the trucks and we found a lot more people there. It turned out most of the worlds top dirt jumpers had descended on Cam's local jump spot for a bit of a post-Otter sesh.

It was funny - we got served burgers from the BBQ by Kyle Strait!

Natually Cam was the star attraction

Pretty crazy - like being at crankworx but without the thousands of people. Coolio.

All in all, an amazing days riding that I wont forget in a hurry. Thanks to everyone but especially Wade, Andreas and Lars for guiding us and retrieving the trucks while we watched the jumping.

For another view, click here to read Danice's report on Pink Bike

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