Sunday, August 31, 2008

BC Cup Final - Mount Washington

Mount Washington is on The Island, Vancouver Island. Confusing to those who aren't up on the geography of this part of the world. Vancouver is on the West (Pacific) Coast of Canada, on the South Shore of Burrard Inlet - a very long tidal inlet. On the North Shore of Burrard inlet you'll find the mountains of "The North Shore" - aha! Yes, I was confused too. So, where does Vancouver Island come into it? Well, Van Isle is a few miles off the coast - it provides beautiful calm waters along the main coastline as it shelters it from the raging Pacific. On the West (Pacific) side of the island can be found the good (but very cold) surfing - in fact people say during the storms the waves crash right up and through the forests!! That'd be a shock if you were riding your bike there!!!

First part of the journey then is to the ferry terminal an onto a boat. I was first car onto the top car deck so ended up right at the front on the boat looking out onto the ocean. This was the view from the drivers seat.

Its an hour and a half boat ride so I soon got bored pretending to be Captain Ahab looking out from his bridge! Roll on the modern technology of convenience! I stuck the laptop on the passenger seat, folded the seat back flat and sat in the back seat with my feet up watching a movie! The BEST part though was the sound system - I plugged the laptop into the car's sound system (6 speakers plus sub woofer) for an awsome wrap around, rubbling soundtrack!

After a comfortable night in the (Honda) Element I awoke to the sound of rain on the roof :(
Everyone said "it will rain" so I was prepared but still a little grumpy.

I set off to kill some time by exploring. Ten minutes later I was done! The "resort" of Mt Washington is pretty modest: One restaurant/bar. One shop. One bike shop. Ah well, I'm told the track is fun so off I went to check it out on foot - in full rain gear!

The track was actually really good. Quite technical but so well ridden that it was still pretty fast. In fact I found the faster I went, the easier it got :)

There were some vicious sharp rocks up top with no great lines through it so speed was the order of the day - try to skip across them

Near the bottom there were a couple of new sections which were only just done for practice. Pretty soft but still pretty fun.

Another shot of a rocky section - you really can't see how rough it is but believe me - it's rough!

One great thing about racing in BC is the landscape. With few exceptions, it's always a beautiful view from he top :)

Practice went well for me. By the end of the day I was really starting to fly and feeling quite confident about doing well. I headed off the mountain to stay the night with Fiona and Simon in Cumberland (just down the road). They were great hosts and showed me the sites of Cumberland by bike - kinda funny as Simon still has a broken ankle! 10 minutes later my tour was done and we took a short cut home through the singletrack in the pitch black. Once again, I pulled out the trustly cellphone to light the way!

Race day saw the weather dry out a little more and with it the track. I wasn't coping too well with this as I was enjoying the previous day's wet slippyness. Today I felt like I was riding through peanut butter. Despite this I had a pretty solid run with no major mistakes and did well enough to finish 5th on the day, putting me 4th overall in the BC Cup. Not bad for the second oldest guy in the category! (the oldest guy actually won it) Comparing my time today with the 40+ category that I'm supposed to be in next year, I would have won by 20 seconds! Hmm, perhaps I'll get much slower over the Winter ;-)

This is Fi's local mountain and she proved it by having only a couple practice runs and still making the elite podium. Nice Job :)

Si and Fi (even their names make a good couple!) invited me to stay another day to ride some local trails. It was a long weekend so I was happy to accept :)

I saw this sign on the way to the trails the next day - not sure if they have a "Ware" but it made me feel more at home :) (For those from over here, my home town is called Ware).

Fi took me to ride the "Forbidden Plateau" An old dismantled ski hill that isnt really forbidden. Some great all-mountain (that means riding up and riding down) trails and a beautiful view of the island.

This bit of trail reminded me of back home. Almost flat, windy singletrack through the trees with not a rock in sight!

It was soon time to go. Thanks to Si and Fi for putting me up for the weekend and Fi for the ride - you rock!

Back on the ferry - all the cruise ships seem to be heading out this afternoon - I think the one behind here is the Vendaam that I went on many years ago. I recommend trying it - especially if you're hungry!

I had a great weekend at Mt Washington and came away with a decent result. Next year I want to get 5-6 secs faster on these 4 min courses so I'll be a contender for the win! I'd better start training!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

BC Cup Race - Sun Peaks

Sun Peaks is an excellent winter location but i'd not given it much thought as a summer destination - until i found out I'd be racing there!

This was the 5th of 6 BC Cup races but it also doubled up as the 3rd and final round of the Canada Cup (which my mate Danice was leading).

The track was craaaaazy fast! I've never been that fast. On one speedy section one would sprint up to flat out in the fastest gear totally spun out THEN drop into a steep fast open section and let gravity take you! Sooooo fast. Sooooo fun!

I even got a pic of me :) 6th.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Crankworx '08

Hmm, well. What can I say? Crankworx is probably the biggest mountain bike festival in the world and definiately the best!

I've dipped my toe via the endurance downhill race a couple times now but had yet really get my feet wet! This year was different. This year I did the Dual Slalom (8th) the Garbanzo Enduro Downhill (again) (13th) and last but by no means least the Canadian Open Downhill.

Whistler crowds baying for blood on the slopestyle course

Traditionally the Canadian Open is gnarly. Very gnarly. This year was no exception. Once you got through the pointy rocky bits at the top you drop into some fresh trail that is quite possibly the roughest stuff I've ever ridden - oh and you're going mach1 just to make it more err, exciting!
If you survive the rough you're onto the rooty bit and believe you mean, it's rooty alright! Did I foget to mention something? Oh yes, that'd be the 30ft step down gap jump with the blind take off (see D gracefully floating over it left)

Gnarly it was, but I survive it I did. 7th. :D

D somewhere on Garbo

I can't wait 'til next year - maybe I'll take my camera next time ;)

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Late season in the bike park. Paradise.

Blue skies, tacky trails and no lift lines. Once all the tourists go home it leaves the park to the locals and we REALLY appreciate it :)

Today was Jon, Tim, Sean, Colin and I for leisurely days rip around the mountain

Perfect weather for it. Oh so much fun :D

Unfortunately the bike park is an unforgiving place and Colin fell victim. He was forced by some idiots standing on the trail to brake over a wooden bridge and lost the bike. A broken wrist will see him out for a couple months. Heal up soon mate.

This is the scene as the reality of Colin's "sore" wrist dawns on us all...

He'll be back.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Fast Friends!

You may remember my friend Danice? Well, she's so damn fast she actually got enough world ranking points to enter the World level races. No mean feat in itself. However, not content with just competing at the very highest level Danice stepped up to the challenge and finished 15th at the World Championships in Italy!! 15th IN THE WORLD. Sweet.

Fresh from that mind-bending experience she packed her bags for the two Canadian rounds of the World Cup Series. Now at the World Cup races you have to do a qualifying run and only 20 girls make the final - so qualifying for the final is a dream come true. This clearly wasn't enough for Danice as she ripped her way down the course to finish an incredible 12th at her first world cup race. Quite an achievement for only her second season racing.....

But then she went one better. 11th place at a World Cup race. Only 10 girls on the planet faster and you know what? That was after a big crash!

R E S P E C T !!

Nice one D. Keep it up!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Flashback to the Ripper

I found this picture online the other day from the Ripper Super-D back in ohh, June? Cool pick though eh?

Friday, August 01, 2008

Rag Doll

There's a nice little trail on Fromme called Rag Doll. We found this interesting alternate line at the end and Euan made us ride it a few times to get a good shot. It was getting dark so he did a fine job getting this shot of me :)