Saturday, October 11, 2008

Whistler closing weekend

Well, this is it. The day we all dread - closing weekend for the bike park :(

Lift lines are usually fine on closing weekend but this year it was crazy. Probably the busiest I've seen it since Crankworx but only about 20mins.

Anyway, Rich was away in Rossland so it Jon, Tim and I for the day.

Of course, its been snowing a lot since last week so this time when we got up top we found 6 to 10 inches of snow! It was fun though cos it was cold enough that the snow stayed frozen and not a hint of mud - well not up top anyway!

Further down the snow disappeared but the ground was frozen solid so it was nice an fast :)

Later on, the ground thawed and everything turned wet and mushy so we stayed in the bottom half of the park on the rocky trails away from the mud. Yet again, Patty was brilliant and took everything in her stride - from clearing Crab Apple hits and the A-line 4 pack to sticking Tim's combo techy line taking in all the gnarliest bits of the best runs. Soooo much fun :D

Its sad to see the park close so I prefer to think as the trails just being "on ice" until next summer ;-)

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