Friday, April 10, 2009

mmmmm Cypress

After being on-ice all winter the snow is finally melting and the lower trails are now back in action. Cypress is perfect right now - dry enough to ride without ripping it to pieces, but moist enough to give some grip (Cypress gets pretty sketchy in the summer when its dry and dusty)

Here's the picture-of-the-day by Euan of moi on an old trail we've just discovered

....and another angle. This log was covered in slime so there were only a couple of takers!

Penny Deck's an extremely good technical rider and so very at home on steep, technical Cypress


This drop is way sketchy - a loooong slippery approach down the steep muddy rock across some roots then drop down onto a very small landing - kinda fun ;)

In between runs we saw this bride and groom having their pictures taken on the mountain
(they're the tiny spec on the left!)

mean while, back in the woods, here's Dave rolling into what is actually a scary feature. It rolls over steeper and steeper then into a sketchy(notice a pattern here?) run out - although it looks like nothing in this photo lol

a better angle - you cant really stand on it beyond where Jon's standing and certainly not where Penny is riding!

Mrs Deck again

One of my favourite bits here - a whole mess of roots with a log right where Euan is in this photo. There's two choices here: 1: manhandle your bike over the log and down (riders) right or 2: jump the log, go straight across the roots and down riders left

Euan and Euan taking the right line

Penny and Penny again - like I said, extremely good technical rider

and here we see me on a very un-Cypress like trail with a series of smooth jumps and drops
(picture by Euan)

And again from the side

....we did multiple laps - here's Jon and I back at the big rock roll "you go first" "no you" "no you"

(3 more of Euan's photos)

Jon went first ;)

...and then me :)

Another great day on Cypress. Thanks to Euan for taking some awesome photos.

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