Sunday, May 17, 2009

Squampton photo-fest

I've been itching to get up and ride Squamish since my coaching session with Shaums last year so it was with great pleasure that Euan, Jon and I went over the long weekend :)

I saw this gap with Shaums last year but we didnt have time to do it and its been nagging me ever since - totally easy but makes a cool photo. I think it has a Dukes of Hazard kinda "the bridge is out" quality ;)

This was supposed to be the money shot - wiggly trail, beautiful forest and Jon and I pinning it. Unfortunately the light was flat and despite timing it for the golden light at the end of the day it just turned out overcast. I still like it though :)

Cheers Euan

1 comment:

dancie said...

hey Skip didn't you go to the World Masters not so long ago??? And do really really well??? :) Congrats again!