Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Today was enrollment. I think this is a good omen - this is the street next to the Uni

a bit of an anti-climax really. Turn up, show passport and visa to Christina at the International Education office and that's it. Back home again!

its a nice place though - you could eat your diner off the floor.....

I didn't quite go straight home though - several shops were visited in the sales (didnt buy anything) but I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw this.....

Yup. Tesco's Cherokee brand is here. No, I didn't buy any.

Looking forward to tomorrow, should be able to pick the truck up (spent a while on the phone at 3am transfering money across the Atlantic) and if I do I might go skiing. Actually I'm thinking I might pop up to Whistler at the weekend to get some snow beneath my feet. Oh, such hardships.

Later dudes

1 comment:

Delbert said...

It's a hard life, skip