Sunday, February 26, 2006

Bend zee knees!

Skiing's a funny thing. Sometimes it's easy and you just flow down the mountain in a vision of smoothly controlled precision....

......and then there's days like today. Arms flailing, legs in every direction and generally very entertaining for everyone watching from the ski lift!

This is the view from the top of Grouse Mountain. You may want to click on the pic to get a better view

So what went wrong today? I'm not really sure. Yes the trails on Grouse are steep and yes, the conditions were difficult. In fact there was even a sign at the top of the double-black "conditions are marginal" it said. I think what they really mean is "this trail should be closed but we know you idiots will ski it anyway so its open just for you loonies!" So anyway, after a couple hours of struggling in the "marginal conditions" it started to rain (at the bottom/snow at the top)

This is the famous view of the city from Grouse - see countless Ski, Snowboard and Bike DVDs to see what I mean

But then a funny thing happened. Even though conditions were getting worse (the heavy snow was getting still heavier with the rain) my skiing improved. So I stayed, and over the next hour or so I got better and better (and wetter and wetter!). By the time I left, I was ripping down the steepest, narrowist bits like someone who actually knows what they're doing!

So why am I prattling on about my skiing I hear you ask? Well there is a moral and here it is.... LEAN FORWARD when you ski. From snowplow to double-black, it works. Nobody likes a back seat driver so next time you go skiing, do yourself a favour and lean forward.

Later dudes.

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