Monday, February 27, 2006

Yay! I didn't fail Business Accounting!!

Not a long rambling update this one. I just wanted to reassure you all that as well as enjoying myself here in BC I've also managed to do some studying.

I just got my mark back from my last mid-term exam - Business Math. Now this is significant for me for two reasons. Firstly (and a couple of you will know this) I like maths. I've always liked working things out in my head so I'd like to think I'd do okay in Business Math.
And secondly, in a recent (practice) test I only got 30% which is obviously a fail and a bit of a shock to the system! So for this exam, I was just praying that I'd get better than a "D" which is the minimum pass mark.

So, what did I get? D? C-? C+ maybe? Well no, actually I got A+ !!!!!!!!!!!
Needless to say I was happy! So my grades for this set of exams were:

B, B, A-, A+, A+

Not bad even if I do say so myself!
Hmmm, maybe I should go skiing to celebrate!!! LOL!

Later dudes!


Delbert said...

Good marks Skip.
Well done.

Anonymous said...

Well done, Skip Keep up the good work. Gill