Thursday, February 23, 2006

Fresh snow and film festivals

It rained a load last night........which meant it was snowing up top!
What else could I do but go out and play.....

I stayed local and went to Cypress and there was indeed 4 to 6 inches of the fresh stuff. mmmmm powder! It was a bit wind blown so there was a bit of crust in places but not too much of a problem for my lovely new skis!

t'was a lovely day to be in the mountains. Being a week day there was hardly anyone there so it was normal to have a whole run to myself. Sweet.

I dont really know why but some of the runs were shut - including my favourite two - the longest black and the steepest one. Ah well, just had to rip up all the others instead!!

The trees up top were pretty. Fluffy.

And I've now worked out that if you have no person to ski with - ski with an ipod! I downloaded some new stuff last night so I had my own soundtrack all day. Skiing's pretty rythmic... turn, turn, turn, turn etc so music is great to ski to. Turning in time to the beat, it makes it even better! I love my ipod....thanks Ma, Tim and Sis.

And tonight it was the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival Biking night. After a short demo by none other than Ryan Leech, we saw previews of Roam (from the makers of The Collective) and the Red Bull Rampage Retrospective. Plus, a fantastic unicycle film ("Defect" I think) and a couple others. It was very good. I cant wait to see Roam.

Well, its late so I'd better get to bed. I've gotta get up early tomorrow to meet up for the College outing to Victoria (on Vancouver Island)!

Nite folks


Delbert said...

I knew that festival would be good.

Delbert said...

Ryan Leech you lucky thing! Cool

Delbert said...
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