Sunday, February 19, 2006

I'm soooooo tired.....

.....from soooo much skiing yesterday.

Moi, Dennis, Timo, Andy and Earl on his knees (again)

I think one of the best things about Vancouver is the fact that you can drive 90 mins and you're in Whistler. Very do-able as a day trip - as I proved for the 4th time yesterday! I picked up Earl, Andy, Timo and Dennis at 6.30am and we were there around 8 (although by the time we rented gear, got a lift ticket and fed Earl is was more like 10am on the lifts!)

It was very sunny but -12 which meant for a frozen face once we picked up a bit of speed - which we did quite a lot today. The weather did mean lots of sunny photos though as you will notice. This is Andy, he's in his 20's, comes from Indonesia and thinks -12 is FREEZING - he's probably right!

This is me trying not to fall off the edge of this black run into Whistler bowl - the run itself was in the shade so very icy and the odd light where you couldnt see the bumps - and it was very steep as you can see....

This is the view up the same run from the chair lift. The one above was taken at the top of the little dip, just to the right of the sun in this one. This lift was interesting - just as you get almost to the top of the HUGE cliff, you have to lift the safety bar to get off - I insisted on keeping it down until we were past the cliff!!

In between lots of black run madness, we did one of the longest runs ever - Peak to Creek which drops down from the same high point as above right down to the lowest on the ski area - 5020ft or almost a mile of vertical drop. Sweet. Here's the view from around half way, - Peak to Creek goes right from the, err, Peak along behind the ridge and down to the left in the picture - we had just turned off onto Big Timber - a black which goes down to the same place. Yup it was that good we just had to go again!

We had our timing working for us today. We managed to jump on the last lifts right back to the top again just before they closed :-) Then had our final run down the mens downhill course - the one they're using for the next Olympics. Here's Timo (Finland) standing in front of the sign for the downhill

And thats about it. We did a little window shopping - its compulsory with so many shops this good and headed home. We stopped at Squamish (half way home) to eat. My first time in a White Spot - mmmmm food!

Right, better get back to the math - I've got the exam at 8am tomorrow! Eeek!


Anonymous said...

I wish I were in your group enjoying sunshine having a lot of fun. Although I couldn't go skiing, but if you guys go and have a drink, don't forget us, Ok? ^__^

Delbert said...

Perhaps Skip could teach us all how to ski?
What time is good for you?

Anonymous said...

Actually, I like the positioning of the arty sun, so that we cannot recognize their face. Yeah, let's go and learn skiing. What time is good for you?

Delbert said...

Weekends are good for me.
We'll give Skip a shout and if he can't make it go for a drink instead.
I'm sure Alex will come along too.
And that Groundhog may be there!

Anonymous said...

That would be a good idea though. Weekends are good for me too. That roundhog may be there!hehe