Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Isn't Snowboarding just a waste of good ski time?

Well yes, it is wasting valuable time on the white stuff but there does seem to be so many people intoxicated by this frozen surf thing that I feel it's become my duty as a skier to at least try out the 'other' snow sport. Then, once and for all I can let you all know the, unbiased, impartial truth that Skiing is better. Err, I mean Skiing OR snowboarding is better.

So this Saturday, I'll be visiting Cypress Mountain with a few of my friends for a day on The Dark Side starting with a two hour snowboard lesson. Hopefully, by the end of the lesson I will at least be able to stand up and move at the same time. Then of course I'll be spending the rest of the day either panicing, falling, sitting in the snow or getting up - oh and maybe if I'm lucky, brief moments of actual "riding" as they call it in snowboard land.

Which brings me to my point (yes I actually have one).....
I'm curious. I don't want to be snowboarding backwards all day so when the guy at the rental place asks which way round I want my feet, what do I say? The way I was born with them? I think I heard someone saying something about which foot you kick with being the back foot - for me that would be the right foot. When I'm on a bike I have my right foot back when coasting so maybe this is right err, I mean correct!

So Ade and Ed what do you think guys? Ade, do you ride right foot forward on a bike like you do on a board?

There's a button round here someplace to add a comment......
Cheers guys

1 comment:

Delbert said...

I kick with my left foot and lead with my left foot on the bike.
So.....er.....that's probably no use to you what so ever.
But I would have my left foot as the back foot on a board.
(only done mountain boarding)