Sunday, May 28, 2006

North Shore Virgin

You may remember Jason from my trip to the US of A back in April - well, we finally got out on bikes together yesterday for his first ever ride on the The North Shore. Mohahahahahah!
I wasnt at all sure of Jason's ability but I thought CBC would be ok so long as we took it slow and eyeballed all the obstacles before trying to ride them.................and then it rained!

Well, it wasnt actually raining cos you dont ride CBC in the rain, but the trail was still wet.
Here he is chasing himself across the millenium log

Fortunately, Jason turned out to be a good technical rider so he was able to ride just about anything I threw at him - the only trouble was - as with anyone faced with this kind of trail for the first time, he wasnt a believer! The CBC trail has hundreds of gnarly bits that dont look ridable on first glance... but they are - you just have to BELIEVE!

After a while, he got it and was doing really well.

We emerged from CBC with Jason having ridden 99.9% of it - well done mate!
Unfortunately, because we were playing on each bit as we came down, it took a couple hours and so he was real tired - and we still have 2/3 of the mountain to ride! We made it down the rest in another hour, both in one piece!

On the lower mountain, I rode two bits that had been bugging me - a techy drop off a huge bolder and a downhill ladder drop - sweet! :-) so all in all it was a stella ride!

Thanks Jase, let me know when you wanna go again!

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