Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Boogie Man

Thursday nights are club rides. Its cool, dozens of people 5-6 groups and some of the shuttled (ie all downhill).

Today was scorching hot - 30deg yet again but that didnt stop the massive turn out (I'd guess about 60-70)

Norco were there too as club sponsors to provide loads of demo bikes and give our bikes a lift up the mountain in there MASSIVE trailer (left)

Norco also brought along some of their team riders including the legendary Kris Holm (left) who can ride anything we can and a whole lot more!

I wanted to get his autograph for Miss Sol, my uni-cycling mate back home but unfortunately it would have to have been written in blood on some in-animate object that would be expensive to post to England so I gave up! (Sorry Alix)

The ride itself was fantastic, being the "advanced" group we set off down CBC, Corkscrew and Salvation on our way to Boogie Man I love Salvation although there is a bit (see below) that gives me the willies!

Its got a longish skinny, drops, jumps, a wall ride (see February) Here's "the other brit" - John on the Teeter-Totter (thats a see-saw to you mum) with not one but TWO corners on it!

Its a lot of fun!

It's always a bad sign when someone turns up with jeans, t-shirt, no armour - you know they're going to kick butt! This one was no different - I missed the X-up and whips that he did over this gap.

This is the one I havent tried - you have to sprint down a foot-wide log to make the gap - Respect to Stophe who did it last year but its changed since then making the sprint even harder :-(

Here's one of the team riders, Dylan

We saw him a couple days later doing 360's over the huge dirt jumps in the BoneYard at Whistler.

(he's pretty good)

So, on to Boogieman. Double-Black and rightly so.

Apologies for the poor photos - dusk is a ridiculous time to try and take photos in the rain forest!

Here's a typical rock face - there were loads of them and this one gave you about a bike length of gravel to stop in before the next one.

Makes you feel alive doesnt it!

Not just rock faces though, this hollowed out log was fun - you cant really see in the photo but it was like riding along a gutter - just enough room for pedals

....and possibly the worst photo yet, this is Tim riding the big log - its about 10-15ft up but made more interesting by a couple of trees that have necessitated some outrigger ladders. You may recognize this one from the old Saint advert - that is the bike components - not the TV series!

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