Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Circus is in town!

They've been here for a couple months but this is their last week so I thought I'd better go before I missed it.

they dont allow photography so on the downside, none of these photo's are mine.... but on the upside.... none of them are mine!! hahaha ;-)

Obviously I liked the juggler - crazy mann - I think they did it with mirrors - no-one can juggle like that!....can they?

Varekai is one of the touring shows of CDS - it's supposed to be a story but it's pretty vague - it goes something like: girl meets boy, lots of stuff happens requiring many people to fly through the air and dangle from bits of rope.... girl gets boy, lots more people fly through the air, the end.

It is an AMAZING show though, if you have the means, I highly recommend it

There are cute girls....

A bendy balancy girl

Some really cool costumes - although maybe you wouldnt walk down the street dressed like that....

a bloke who can do amazing things with a net......!?

And a couple of English lads (twins) that fly all over the bigtop on bits of elastic - very impressive (the women didnt seem to mind if they were flying or not)

did I mention the cute girls?

and a guy with them springy stilty things...

unfortunately I couldnt find a photo of the three little boys that have their own act. They must be all of 6 years old and amazing performers - arguably the stars of the show

There were also some clowns (though not quite your stereotypical clowns but clowns none the less) but I could find photos of them either.

So, if you have the chance, GO SEE. You will not regret it.