Monday, October 30, 2006

Last Day of the bike park :-(

The 9th October was the final day of Whistler Bike Park 2006 :-( obviously me and the boys (Jon and Rich) had to be there.

It was one of my best days in the park so far :-) We did all our favourite runs (again and again) and actually found the conditions to be the best of the whole year! How crazy is that!!

One of our favourite bits (actually my personal favourite thing on a bike anywhere) is this rock drop/jump thingy. Here's me flyin' off it

It's quite high up on the mountain, you come tearing down the track, turn hard right and hard left of over a mass of roots, get one or two pedal strokes in and you're in the air - it's brilliant - the effect is made all the better by exiting the trees into open space all around - it feels like shooting out of the exploding deathstar in that film. In summer, there's even a trail of dusk following you to add to the FX....

Here's Rich

....then, nothing but the buzz of the backwheel until you touchdown 10ft lower and 15ft out - so softly your granny could do it! And then the bonus - the huuuuge injection of speed you get from landing - as Ferris would say, "if you have the means, I highly recommend it".

Finally our Jon showing his BMX roots "giving her" some style. Nice one mate.

But all too soon it was over, the run, the day, the season. But what is this we see.....

....could it be snow? I think it might be...... :-)

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