Friday, November 03, 2006


So what is happiness? They say money can't buy you happiness, but can it? Who do you know that couldnt have a whole lot of fun given a whole lot of cash? Not many I'll wager. I got to thinking about it the other day listening to a radio competition.

"Yes Brock, you have won $100,000" was followed by a slightly stunned listener shouting and hollering (is that really a word?). Wow, I thought, what would I do with a hundred grand. The more I thought about it, the more disappointed I was that I couldn't really think of anything. Sure, I could buy a new car (although nothing special) and I could buy some new bits to hang on my bike, but it wouldnt buy me a house. It wouldnt buy an apartment. And it certainly wouldnt buy me a place a Whistler for weekends ;-) But a hundred grand is still a lot of cash!

So what's wrong with me? Why can't I think of anything worth splurging on? Well folkes, my epiphany came when I realized that aside from a place to hang my hat, I'm lucky enough to have all the "things" I want. I have two very hot bikes and would be hard pushed to better them IMHO. I have my ski gear which I'm very happy with and I have a good (when it wants to be) laptop, a nice new digital camera, an ipod (thanks Ma, Tim and Sis) clothes to wear and a comfy bed to sleep in.

So what does that leave? Well, as a Business Student I'd have to gingerly put my hand up and say "services"; or probably more accurately "activities". I can't spend it on holidays - I live in paradise. I could fly back to England more often - but I HATE flying long haul so am unlikely to pursue that. What about those expensive lift passes for skiing? - I already have my Whistler and Cypress passes in the bag for this Winter. But what of Summer? I won't need a Bike Park Pass for another eight months so plenty of time to save up for that. Ah yes, socializing. Well it's true I'd love to take my friends out to eat all the time but in reality, I have modest tastes and eating out is half price in Vancouver compared to England! Add to that the speed with which the novelty would wear off and it doesnt seem a great idea. Hmm. Can't really think of much their either then.

Short of just blowing it on diamond-encrusted crash helmets and extravagant heli-skiing trips I'm stumped. Of course, I'd share my good fortune with family/friends etc and my wardrobe and car would get an upgrade but they are just eccentricities. The truth of the matter is, living here in Vancouver with the things I enjoy available at world-class quality in my back yard, I dont "want" for much and "need" even less. I'm happy. And so I should be. Viva Los Vancouver!

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