Monday, January 22, 2007

Cruising day at Whistler

Haven't been on the snow for TWO WEEKS(!) due in part to hunting for a place to live and in part due to homework. It always takes a couple weeks for me to get the feeling for each class and get into the rhythm of doing the homework. ANYWAY, it was time I got some snow!

Enter Kiyoka: "Wanna come to Whistler?" Silly question!! The arrangements were a bit last minute - 6am on the day we went so I met Trung and Kiyoka up there for a day of sub-zero fun.

You may remember the setting of the photo above from Mum's visit in September - its Whistler Peak.

Kiyoka's highlight of the day was undoubtedly the "Robins" that she was feeding from her hand - and once she did half the lift queue joined in!

I think the "Robins" survive just on the tourist tibits as the snow is 10-15ft deep up here

SARA: (or anyone) what type of birds are these? Kiyoka insisted they were Robins but I'm more than a little sceptical!

We had a great day though - nothin too strenuous and plenty of blue sky

the view from Whistler of Blackcomb

We even stopped for a quick bite to eat - such luxury! Even the view from the cafe ain't half bad! (this is the top station of the Whistler gondola Mum)

Kiyoka in action - she can sense a camera even at altitude in sub-zero temperatures!

For our last run, we dropped over the back onto the Peak to Creek run - we saw about 2 people on the WHOLE mountain!

(click the pics to enlarge)

eeeh! Yours truly admiring the view

the skiing is taking its toll on my body - look at my bandy legs and knobbly knees!!

From this point we headed through the frozen trees (stage right) and down a steep bowl in-between the rocks. Kiyoka (bless her) hadnt done this kind of thing before so got a bit worried about manoeuvring between the rocks on the super-steep slope but she did great - well done K!!

and with just a final run to the bottom, that was our day done. It was fun though and I'm sure we'll do it again soon.....maybe I should try it on the snowboard next time??!!!!!!!

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