Sunday, April 29, 2007

Introducing my nephew: Finlay James, Born April 28th, 9lbs 2onc

Isn't it amazing what you can get on Ebay these days?

My big sister Jane (who's been somewhat bigger lately) finally gave birth on Saturday to a bouncing baby boy (actually I'm not sure if he bounces - best not find out)

Here's Finlay James with his proud mum :-)

watch out sis - he bites!

Mum and Dad (Mark)

Misc grandparent #1

Misc grandparent #2

Misc grandparent #3

There was a compete set present at one time or another but the pics missed out #4 - Mark's dad.

Congrats Sis. Now the fun begins!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

80's day at Whistler

Alas, Whistler Mountain closed yesterday for the summer :-(

.....but the Bike Park opens next month!! :-)

But before Whistler closed, we had to get one las day and what better way to enjoy it than dressed in the "best" 80's style we could find ;-)

What a stylish bunch eh?

Actually there was a reason for all this, err, style - it's Megan's birthday today (she's in the middle wearing the lovely skintight red one-piece

some of the highlights..... the authentic mirror sunglasses - bitchin'!!

Rich's gaiters...

....and Megan's boots...and where did she find such old boots to fit her?

With her skis of course - these are her regular everyday ski boots!!

Jon looked particularly sweet with his Barbie bag

and last but by no means least (judging by the reactions I got) my "headgear"

- and no, none of that hair is my own!

(thanks to Kiyoka for the loan of her goggles)

Megan & Derek

who is that hot guy...........he's so........HOT!

Jon was keeping things pretty colourful

(notice Derek lookin kool in the background)

Megan: does my bum look big in this?

Rich: you look hot baby!

.....and for that apres look, what could be more stylish than a tasteful purple sweatshirt?

We had sooo much fun, it was crazy. We even got into doing 80's style "spread-eagle" jumps - the poor people of Whistler didnt know what had hit them - a dozen crazies in vibrant ski suits leaping around the place doing "spreads". In fact that became the war-cry for the day - the cries of "SPREADING" could be heard across the valley - soooo much fun

two particular highlights for me:

The first was as I stood in line at Starbucks; a guy walked up, took a photo of me and walked away again - without saying a word!!!

The second was when a guy skied past and said "nice costume" - a nice thing to say for sure but especially as he was dressed in a Winnie the Poo full body suit complete with huge belly and big furry head!!!!!

What a crazy day. What a great day. Thank Megan for inviting me. Happy Birthday!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Ripper! ....... #1

Following a rather pathetic crash a couple of weeks ago, I've been stuck at home nursing a sore leg.

Saturday was this year's first North Shore Ripper but unfortunately I'd only be able to scrape through the downhill bit and was sure no-one would volunteer to do the (hour) climb for me relay-style......or so I thought until someone from the club posted looking for a descender!! Perfick! Or so I thought until I'd entered and she decided to pull out!!!

So, despite my better judgement (and the fact that I still cant walk down stairs without hobbling) I rolled up at Fromme to do a 'solo' eeeeeek!!

Fortunately, the Ripper's are not (supposed) to be competitive - well not in the usual sense anyway - best costume, worst bike, last person and all closely fought categories! So I just planned a gentle morning's ride :-)

Luckily for me, Derek and Megan turned up and so I chased them up the hill - (thanks for waiting guys)

Checkout the full story here on NSMB (including a video with me wandering around in the background)

and just for those too lazy to click (or at work where NSMB is barred) here's a couple pics borrowed from NSMB

No, I'm not joking about the costumes....

here's (Doctor) Megan - she actually came 2nd in the solo cat - go girl!

Its a Bat-Bike!

Holy tandem Batman - wait for me!
