Monday, April 23, 2007

80's day at Whistler

Alas, Whistler Mountain closed yesterday for the summer :-(

.....but the Bike Park opens next month!! :-)

But before Whistler closed, we had to get one las day and what better way to enjoy it than dressed in the "best" 80's style we could find ;-)

What a stylish bunch eh?

Actually there was a reason for all this, err, style - it's Megan's birthday today (she's in the middle wearing the lovely skintight red one-piece

some of the highlights..... the authentic mirror sunglasses - bitchin'!!

Rich's gaiters...

....and Megan's boots...and where did she find such old boots to fit her?

With her skis of course - these are her regular everyday ski boots!!

Jon looked particularly sweet with his Barbie bag

and last but by no means least (judging by the reactions I got) my "headgear"

- and no, none of that hair is my own!

(thanks to Kiyoka for the loan of her goggles)

Megan & Derek

who is that hot guy...........he's so........HOT!

Jon was keeping things pretty colourful

(notice Derek lookin kool in the background)

Megan: does my bum look big in this?

Rich: you look hot baby!

.....and for that apres look, what could be more stylish than a tasteful purple sweatshirt?

We had sooo much fun, it was crazy. We even got into doing 80's style "spread-eagle" jumps - the poor people of Whistler didnt know what had hit them - a dozen crazies in vibrant ski suits leaping around the place doing "spreads". In fact that became the war-cry for the day - the cries of "SPREADING" could be heard across the valley - soooo much fun

two particular highlights for me:

The first was as I stood in line at Starbucks; a guy walked up, took a photo of me and walked away again - without saying a word!!!

The second was when a guy skied past and said "nice costume" - a nice thing to say for sure but especially as he was dressed in a Winnie the Poo full body suit complete with huge belly and big furry head!!!!!

What a crazy day. What a great day. Thank Megan for inviting me. Happy Birthday!

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