Monday, April 16, 2007

Ripper! ....... #1

Following a rather pathetic crash a couple of weeks ago, I've been stuck at home nursing a sore leg.

Saturday was this year's first North Shore Ripper but unfortunately I'd only be able to scrape through the downhill bit and was sure no-one would volunteer to do the (hour) climb for me relay-style......or so I thought until someone from the club posted looking for a descender!! Perfick! Or so I thought until I'd entered and she decided to pull out!!!

So, despite my better judgement (and the fact that I still cant walk down stairs without hobbling) I rolled up at Fromme to do a 'solo' eeeeeek!!

Fortunately, the Ripper's are not (supposed) to be competitive - well not in the usual sense anyway - best costume, worst bike, last person and all closely fought categories! So I just planned a gentle morning's ride :-)

Luckily for me, Derek and Megan turned up and so I chased them up the hill - (thanks for waiting guys)

Checkout the full story here on NSMB (including a video with me wandering around in the background)

and just for those too lazy to click (or at work where NSMB is barred) here's a couple pics borrowed from NSMB

No, I'm not joking about the costumes....

here's (Doctor) Megan - she actually came 2nd in the solo cat - go girl!

Its a Bat-Bike!

Holy tandem Batman - wait for me!


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