Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Whistler on a weekday

With the Triple Crown insisting on a rest day on Sunday, Jon and I made plans for a Bike Park day on Monday :-)

tumble weed in the lift line - sucks to be us eh ;-)

me on the in-deep rock - obviously in REAL life its a big scary rock- not just a little roll-down

Jon sendin' it up on Garbanzo. Actually the park is a bit odd at the moment cos one of the main trails on the top half of the mountain is shut to allow some construction for the Olympics - it kind of necessitates doing Goat's Gully every lap which has probably the most infamous sections on the mountain

obligatory bear shot - complete with 3 cubs - all together now - awwwww

me on the Rock City roll in - I remember bottling out of this because I couldnt walk to the edge to see down it - too high and too steep! that was my first time in Whistler back in '04 . Nowadays, its a little friendlier than it was but its still pretty steep

Jon in his sun hat (add your own caption)

..and on a wall ride (he's about 6 inches off the rock as he jumps the crack) oooooooo!

We had a great a great day - a least a dozen laps. Ahh, Whistler. Such a good place :-D

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