Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Its been a while since my last blog - I guess I'm more tuned into facebook these days - especially for photos. Anywho, here's some pics from a little adventure in Squamish a couple weeks back:

This is Noel - as in Knolly bikes. A good guy for sure.

and our tour guide for the day - my good friend Dr Meghan. This photo is a text book example of body positioning for a a right hand corner - point your knees and your belly button right...... shame she was trying to turn left!!!!! - it was close but there was no crash

Derek sending it off a little drop. This was super fun - dropping a few feet onto a steep run out which led to a little gap jump

Here's Dave (on his hardtail) proving that where ever you point the front - the back will surely follow - this new secret trail will now be know to us as the "wasp" trail as you get stung if you hang around by this ladder - it was super sketchy to roll down cos of the gnarly roots and hole at the bottom

here's Mrs Dave - Penny at work on one of the woodern berms

and Doc Meg on the huge berm - just down the way from this is the loop-d-loop used a few years back in one of the bike videos

lots of cool features out on the forest - this picture doesnt do justice to the height or the shear prettiness of this section

speaking of pretty, here's Jon! Actually its the forest that steals the show - its beautiful in here - absolutely beautiful

me on a slippery green log ride

and Doc Meg again - check out the huge construction on the background - again - it was used for some bike movies a couple years back - 20ft high teeter (that's a see-saw to you mum)

and a little panorama of the beautiful forest - click on it for a proper look

Thanks to Meg for guiding us - it was a great ride - a real change from the bike park :-)

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