Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Year's Eve

I have to admit I had my reservations when Derek suggested the "traditional New Years Eve ride" and as the day approached and the trails were still snowed in practically to the bottom I had even more reservations. Anyone who's ever tried to ride a bike in deep snow will know it can involve walking and even crawl-cum-climbing across the snow - but, with no good excuse I went along anyway

We drove up which made the first obstacle the steep road to the parking lot - my car still doesnt have snow tyres so had to be relegated to retrieval duty.

Once on the snow (after climbing over the 4ft snow bank beside the road) we found the snow to be fairly rideable - if you could stay in the tracks!!

I managed this action photo of Penny with my phone - if you can make it out, Penny's back wheel is just leaving the bottom of the shot and you can make out the 2ft trench of snow we're riding with Derek's light just entering the shot at the top.

And you know what? It was fun. Thanks to Dave, Penny and Derek for dragging me out and D & P for the good food round their place after.

Happy New Year!

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