Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sun Peaks

Yes, I've skied in Whistler and yes, I've been to all the local mountains and even over the border to Mt Baker but I hadn't skied in the interior of BC.... until now :-)

Even the food was good :-D

This is me at Sun Peaks


there was some wind though which added to the -15 temperature made it a tad chilly

Rich - or "Blue Leader" as I like to call him

and there was a moon

The snow in the interior is quite different to Whistler - its very dry and fine - not heavy like it is on the coast where I live.

This picture pretty much sums up the sunday - deep blue sky and untracked champagne powder!

We stumbled across a quiet bit that was hardly ridden so we stayed for the rest of the day - good times!

but all good things come to an end

we had a great drive back - the sky was crystal clear and the moon was full so we could see every detail of the mountains - can you believe this picture - a snapshot out of the windscreen of the damn van!

Thanks for the invite Rich and thanks for driving

I'll be back ;-)

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