Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Whistler #6 - Rich and Shirley

As you can see, the weather sucked!

Bluebird skies, plenty of fresh powder - and on a weekday so not too many people around. Ahh, lif is good.

Sorry Rich, for snapping you between turns in a funny position...

The top of the mountain was shut yesterday and there was plenty of new snow so we had to wait quite a while before avalanche control to open everything - the whole mountain in this picture was covered in fresh, untracked powder :-D Despite being at the back of the line, we still got fantastic fresh tracks with turn after turn in fresh powder

Didnt take too many pictures today as it was just Rich, Shirley and I. This was my new cars first time to Whistler as I got the new snow tires the night before :-) A certain Canadian retailer of tires have taken FOREVER to get the tires in (since before I went home for Christmas) so I've been unable to drive to the snow myself (as I've also sold the old car now). Fortunately for me, they had one final cock up in the bag - they supplied the tires fitted to fancy alloy wheels instead of the bog-standard steel ones I'd paid for - hehe!!! LOL

Anyway, back to skiing - here's my good friend Shirley waiting patiently for Rich who was digging his skis out of the snow below the cornice he'd just jumped off (above Shirley's head in the photo!)

About the only place I did take pics was when we hiked up to the top Flute Bowl - I think I mentioned it a couple posts back - its a 30 min hike up then along the top of the ridge - because there's no ski-lift its relatively untouched

Here's the view looking back across the ridge we've just walked - I sent it to Jon from my phone just to annoy him..... here's his reply:

LOL!!! Sorry mate, could resist - but your picture did give us all a good laugh!

Here's one of the entrances - Rich is standing above the cornice - first person from the right

We went in further over where the pitch is a little steeper

The arrow shows the line we took - it was pretty narrow in places but lots of fun :-D

and the view looking back into the bowl from the exit.

Thanks to Rich and Shirley for another great day - and to Doc Meg for meeting us for some apres ski :-)

Life is good :-)

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