Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Whistler #5

Yes, yes, Whistler again. Well it'd be rude not to go wouldnt it?

Sunday Rich and I met up with Amber and her boyfriend Chris at him familys cabin just outside the village. Amber was playing mum today by making us breakfast and packing us off with a sandwich! mmmmm free food :-)

Up on the hill we met up with a couple more friends and set about sniffing out some good snow - not so easy as it hadnt snowed for a couple days.

This pic is of the entrance to Horseshoe 5 off the Harmony Ridge. Its kinda sketchy - standing at the top I described the line I thought I'd take: "drop in from the right, turn left to scrub some speed and catch the ski tips in the ice, spin backwards then slide down into the rocks on my head!!" Fortunately it was in good shape and my skiing seems to have improved so I made it any drama :-)

Here's Amber and Rich in Whistler Bowl looking up at Peak Chair - cool light effects with the sun and clouds

We did a few runs today I'd never done before. The steepest was "Excitement" - a short hike up from the top of Harmony Chair and then down through the rocks - its where the arrow is in this pic. We didnt do it but there's an even steeper, narrower one a little further over (where the smiley face is) - its called "Exhileration" - I think I'll save that for another day :-o

more fantastic views - this is from Headwall looking down to the bottom of Peak Chair - Headwall's a great place for good snow without going to the peak

Dropping in from Whistler Peak - the entrance can get a bit tricky but this run is the gateway to lots of good snow

Whistler Peak - and Amber dancing for the camera!

We got a couple of great runs down skiers left of the Waterfall - In two feet of virtually untouched power! Peter even hit the Waterfall both runs - its a cliff that runs along the base of the hill with various drops from 10ft to about 50ft - you can just about make out Peter on the edge about to drop (middle of pic) and landing 15ft below

As ever, the day soon ended and we headed back to the cabin, tired but satisfied after a fantastic day on the hill :-D

And then Amber fed us all pasta!!! Awsome!!!!
Thanks Amber :-)

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