Sunday, May 18, 2008

Life in the Desert - Kamloops part III

After a good night's sleep under the stars and an equally good breakfast we met up with a load of friends to get some quick laps on Harper before driving home

Ryan has hair issues

Harper is a great fun mountain - plenty of stuff for all levels - there's even a piece of singletrack as featured in the movie "Roam" - it's actually pretty funny cos in the movie it looks like a far-flung remote corner of BC, miles from anywhere - in truth its on a highly used shuttle mountain/ski hill and right next to the main shuttle track - it was priddy though :)

Seann was on his bike for a change - more used to 'Barked' shooting instructions from Danielle it was good to get him in front of the camera today

Ryan's other half - Kat - was ripping pretty good all day on her beat up Nemesis

I guess skinnies not your thing eh Tim?

This one was pretty odd - the log would wobble from side to side as you rode it making it more and more difficult the further you got

ah, that's better Timmigrant

Our guide, Mike showing how its done

- oh and the dark shading is not an expensive special effect - its the broken camera :(

Mike again - truly sending it over a hip gap

Jenn and Kat were pushing each other today - got some cools pics of Jenn over this big gap - they're on the Loeka site now

The true Loeka ad with both girls wearing their kit. Kat tried to move out of my shot here but I told her to get back in position as I thought it looked cool

We did a couple laps of Harper then it was time to go..... or so we thought until Mike mentioned he was going to ride another mountain - so Jenn, Tim and I went along too! So we didnt actually leave 'Loops until about 6pm - a super days riding and a fantastic way to finish off the weekend

all that remained was to leave some beer for Scott for kindly putting us up for the weekend (and Mike for the first night - thanks mate!)

Scott wasnt home so Jenn got carried away with leaving a "note" for him.

Not a terribly successful race weekend but a great weekend nevertheless - AND it was 35deg and sunny - not quite like that in Vancouver - after driving back through 2 hours of heavy rain Vancouver was overcast and drizzly - ah its good to be home ;-)

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