Saturday, May 24, 2008

At last - Vedder (and Bear Mt)

I've wanted to go to Mt Vedder for ages - even Ben Boyko says its his favourite place to ride but its only accessible by 4x4 and err, I dont have one - let alone two so we can retrieve the first one post-shuttle!

Thankfully I have friends. Brian O or as Jenn likes to call him Ohhhh-Brian ;-) has a 4x4 and knows the trails so it was on at last. We only did a couple laps as the crew we were expecting didnt show but excellent laps nevertheless! I figured I could trust Jenn to lead me into the jumps (of which there are a lot) so we just dropped in and ripped down the jumps - a little scary doing it blind but what funnnn!
Above is Jenn on the "Operating Table" - she cleaned it beautifully so no operating was necessary!

Jenn again - this time flying through the trees! Only took two photos cos it all happened a bit fast!

Anyway, with the lack of shuttle partners (thanks to Tyler for a ride up - cheers mate) we decided to head over to Bear Mt to check out the race course we'll be racing on in July. I was keen to get out there cos I'd heard there were some big gap jumps on Bear and as I get older I get less inclined to hurl myself across such things!

It turned out the jumps are built very well and are very "jumpable" - I was on my little bike so had a great time on the jumps although I did leave the two biggest for next time ;)

This is Brian on the top (rocky) gap - no problem

This is the longest jump on course - and up close it looks even longer! Brian made it look very easy - but then he is a bit of a star - featured in lots of magazine shoots and a few bike movies - he's an old bmx racer so jumps are his thing - and it shows!

....and here he is again demonstrating the easyness for us

Jenn on the same jump - she took off by the tree in the right foreground and is hoping to land in line with the rocks bottom left - she pretty much made it

and what's this? Who could that fella be jumping the same gap - not Jenn, not Brian. Hmmm - oh of course, its ME!

Unfortunately Brian had never used my camera before so was too far away and too early pushing the button - cameras are a PAIN! But thankyou Brian.

Well, the course was very flowy, very fast and very very fun. I'm looking foward to July now!!

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