Friday, June 27, 2008

Road Trip pt I - The Rockies

BC is a big place and with two races scheduled on the eastern border only a week apart it was the perfect opportunity for a road trip.

My co-pilot for the trip was Tim, the original Element driving, Norco riding immigrant although he hails (hales?) from South Africa.

Element loaded and we hit the road Friday bound for Panorama near Invermere on the edge of the Rocky Mountains.

This was also a great opportunity to drop in on my boss, Genn who moved up to Revelstoke over the winter. This is here new house - pretty nice eh? I think she'll be seeing me again come ski season ;-)

The drive was boring - nothing to look at ;-)

have Element will travel... this is Tim's one, I left mine at home


nothing to see here, move along.....

Once over the beautiful Roger's Pass the terrain took a slightly flatter shape as we headed across the shallow valley that is the source of the Columbia River - slightly misleading as the valley bottom itself is over 3000ft above sea level

With only a stop in Revi we made it in 9 hours and change. A quick stop for groceries and we were set and finished the day with a midnight stroll up the downhill track by cellphone light - after all, we dont want people seeing our lines!!

awww look at the sunlight on the power lines, so priddy

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