Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bear Mountain BC Cup Race

Bear Mountain is about a hour's drive from the big smoke and literally a stone's throw from Arduum (you may remember Arduum from some of my previous adventures). Anyway, I was looking forward to the Bear Mt race as I'd already checked out the track and done some of the big jumps; it always pumps up the confidence when you know (and are comfortable with) what you're getting into. This was Bear. Bring it on.

Look. A photo of me!

The track is really fun but some of the jumps are pretty big AND unforgiving - a wall of logs if you come up short - not too friendly. Unfortunately Simon (fresh from winning the Canadian National Champs) followed an idiot into of of the biggest ones. The idiot (that's the previous idiot I mentioned - not Simon) stopped on the take off causing Simon to brake, then squeeze past and try to make the jump - he didn't. Instead he piled into the wall of logs and broke his leg. Oouch!

I also had some issues with the jumps. I wasnt "feeling it" all thru pratice so didn't do the biggest jump and for some reason I couldn't jump one of the smallest either. Granted, it was pretty tricky but just something about it got the better of me. Eventually I went for the jump but managed to crash hard into the back of the landing (a wall of rocks in this case). I managed to mangle the fork, giving it less than half the travel it should have. Oops. This of course meant the race didnt go so well but I finished 7th. The crash did linger with me though, I think I must of cracked somethin in my foot cos it REALLY hurt for a few weeks after :( Its better now.

Tim had a great race and finished 2nd in Elite. Nice one mate.

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