Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's my pardy (and Rich's and Derek's)......

There are three of us with birthdays very close together. Derek on 26th July. Rich on 30th July and mine on 6th August AND we were all born the same year. Quite a coincidence as we ride together all the time. This is probably the first time we're been aware of it in advance so we all thought it'd be good to do something. And so it was that we rolled up to Squamish for a spot of riding

Michele has always been a bit of ripper but since taking a biking course and getting a new bike she is "off da hook!"

Meg, our wonderful host as always

me on the unfinished bridge

and what's this? Could it be ANOTHER picture of me? Wow, it really is my birthday!

another attempt at the arty picture. Met yet again with a chopping off head! Sorry Rich.

Meg had a little accident with Derek's fancy test bike - she backed it into this post. Only Derek didnt see the funny side - well it was his birthday ;)

More friends at Meg's for dinner :)

Of course, the best thing about birthdays is cake. We are fortunate enough to have Michele on the team - ace cook and baker to produce SPIDY CAKE! Unfortunately for Michele, Rich insists on chocolate cake and I insist on anything but! So two cakes it was :)

mmmmm, spidy cake!

The next day we were up early and headed across the water to the wonderful Sunshine Coast. Here's Michele yet again but this time just about to have a big crash. This drop was wet, slippery, up hill and on a corner - tricky for sure so full marks to Michele for trying it

We had a great day as always and topped off every run with cake! Perfect :)

Didn't chop Rich's head off this time!

It was a little early but a great triple birthday weekend.
I'm looking forward to next year (kinda) lol!

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