Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Riding in the old hood

I was so happy to ride when I was home. My usual visits are at Christmas and although it's always good to get out on the old trails its usually pretty bleak, muddy and frankly a bit of slog.

Here's Jackie - complete with pretty new bike (and by that I mean it was a pretty turquoise colour)

So imagine my delight in finding the trails all fairly dry with only a thin coat of slim - you couldn't really describe it as "mud" proper. AND the bonus was the autumn colours. The woods everywhere we rode were beautifully yellow and orange. Superbe :)

Sara leading out as usual. This girl is STRONG
(yes you are Sara)

Clicky picture for a closer view. This was Mardley on a week day. S'funny I'd never noticed before how beautiful it is in fall (that's Canadian forAutumn)

More Mardley

Wider view

The perfect end to a great ride - tea and cake in Sara's kitchen

Jackie's thinking: "I wonder if I can distract her long enough with this mug to eat another piece of cake?"

Thank you ladies for a great ride and Sara for many great rides - 4 I think?And thanks for the loaner bike. Soooo much easier than lugging one of my (unsuitable) bikes across the Atlantic!

Until next time :)

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