Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A Grand Day Out

During my whirlwind trip I of course had to have a good curry - mmmmmm curry.
Alix looks like she's enjoying it....I was lucky to catch her in town between a family holiday and going back to uni :)

proof i was there

....but enough of curry, onto my grand day out....

The next day Holly (right) and I headed down into the big smoke - we met up with Anna (left) for a coffee before starting the adventure in earnest

It were joost lik bein' a tourist!

St Pauls and the Millenium Bridge - I'd never seen this up close before so set on going over the bridge to get to the Tate Modern

This the bridge that had to close straight away cos it wobbled with the resonance of people's footsteps! doh!

The TM in the distance

Built in an old power station the TM entrance is cooool! Check out the three fellas standing around in the photo!

High enough to fly a kite

Slightly out of sinc- Holly proving she's"arty"

Inside there's 5 or 6 floors of art. We toured all the free ones before deciding it was feeding time

Lunch at the Oxo Tower anyone? Err, not us but we did go up there to check out the view

The south embankment

...which led us to probably my favourite place in London - Covent Garden :)

Lots going on, day and night

...and good snack foods

I think the space here is really cool - its old obviously but its also very pretty

After spending some time in CG we wandered off to Soho and China Town

...and then Carnaby Street - very cool shops - needless to say I didnt buy anything!

Then Holly insisted we go "look at the woodwork" in Liberty's department store. I'd never even heard of it (Kiyoka will shoot me for that!) but the tudor building looked so cool from the outside I had to check it out

HUGE fancy light thingy

the timber for the building was taken from two discommisioned Royal Navy Ships

They sell some cool stuff to. This is a piano stool made of pencils - and they're all loose so you'll never be caught without a pencil again!

But all too soon we had to wave fairwell to London and head back out to reality. I'm so glad i went though - I think I'll make it a regular on my trips back - next time I think I'm going to go to St Pauls - I've never been.....

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