Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ski Jumping

There's some kind of event happening in these parts next year so they've been busy bees building lots of wonderfully expensive new facilities for it. The new ski jumping thingy at Callaghan just south of Whistler is one such facility. There was a world cup event there in January so I wandered up there with a couple friends to watch the lemmings flinging themselves off.

There were many, many fine people prepared to stand in the sub-zero temperatures for this. I found strategically standing in the sun was the way to go. Next time I'll also take a phone book to stand on - brrrrr cold feet!

The hill - it was pretty impressive how far these nutters jump - from just out of site over the brow right down almost to flat - it looks way cooler in the flesh

This video (click on it to play it) shows what you don't see on TV - the sheer sizeand distance they hurl themselves. As Yoda would say: "hmmm. Impressed, I was. Hmm"

As I said, many many fine people. Many many fine outfits

"I'll see your massive truck and see you a set of tracks!!" Serious off road.

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